With today being Work Release Friday and promoting the fact that we are releasing you from work for the weekend, I have to say that it really isn't all that true for me. I am nursing yet another hangover, this one caused by an awesome show last night at
Croc Rock and then some bar hopping afterwards. I went out and saw Punchline play in the cafe under last night. First of all, they need to install a ceiling fan in that place. I felt like I was trapped in a tanning bed. Nonetheless, it was a cool (no pun intended) show. After the show, I then continued the binge drinking at
Roosevelts in Bethlehem. Great place, great times. After that we headed to the Tally Ho. I don't really remember the
ridiculousness there. Then somehow I ended up back at my apartment with a
WaWa hoagie (refer to
Crash's blog for the
Hoagiefest special of the week). All in all a great night and I am feeling the effects right now. You know the feeling when your eyes are so tired that any amount of caffeine won't help you stay awake? Yep,
thats how I feel right now. I'm going to go take a nap.
until next time...