Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sands Casino

I am looking forward to rockin' out this Thursday night at the new Sands Casino in Bethlehem. I will be hanging @ The Molten Lounge from 9-11. The band Lucky You will be playing live and you can suck down $2.50 Bud Light Limes & $2.00 Bud Drafts! You also have to do some gambling while you're there (its a good way to get free drinks!). A buddy of mine won $500 the other day on one of the machines. In addition to the band and drink specials, I will also be hooking you up with free Bone swag. Can't wait!!!

until next time....I'll see you @ Sands on Thursday!


Monday, August 17, 2009


I am back from what seemed to be a very short week at the beach. I headed down to Avalon, NJ for a "vacation." This was one of those, I need a vacation from my vacation type deals. We ended up relaxing on the beach during the day, then going out and drinking at night. One would think that a day on the beach would be a great way to nurse a constant hangover, but no...I think boiling and sweating in the hot sun only made things worse. We did have a good time, from what I can remember. My only complaint about Avalon is that it is so damn expensive. My friends and I were constantly joking that they were running a "12 dollar beer special" at the bars. Though, each beer was not that expensive, we were forking over $5.50 for a bottle of Miller Lite. Now I am tapped out of cash, sun burnt and delirious from a week of straight drinking...but I wouldn't want it any other way.

until next time....enjoy this stupid picture of me on the beach.
