It is Work Release Friday once again, and I am preparing for another busy weekend. If you can associate the term "busy" with partying with Bone listeners. I have the privilege each and every Friday to party with you @ Drinky's Bar in Easton. There is always a great crowd there, hot bartenders and awesome alcohol specials. Tonight I will be there from 11-1 doing shots, giving out free Bone swag and speaking random gibberish into the microphone. Before I head out to Drinky's, I will be making a stop @ The Main Street Lounge in Stroudsburg. I will be hanging out there from 8-10, so make sure you stop by. I will then be capping off my Bone party weekend @ Rookies Sports Bar in Allentown on Sunday. Stop by for a beer between Noon and 2 and enjoy a beer with me, while I watch the Jets (hopefully win) on the big screen. Soon I will pull the jail cell door open for myself and begin the party. See you this weekend!
Until next time...