Thursday, September 16, 2010


Now I know I haven't blogged in a while, mainly because my brain has been on vacation, but this is a very important issue. After bitchin' and complaining about how Route 33 has sucked pretty much this entire summer, I decided it was time to take an alternate route to work. So far so good....until today. First off, I want to start out by saying that I was running late as usual, so I was already off to a bad start. Then with the rain factored in things got a little worse. To cap it all off was the fact that there was road construction on freaking Route 191!! I mean come on now, when does it end?? Haven't you tortured us commuters enough already?? Route 191 is essentially a mountain road with only one lane going either direction. As a result, you get the doofus who stands there holding the "STOP/SLOW sign," letting one lane creep by at a time. Almost to add insult to injury the "STOP/SLOW sign" holder glares at you as you pass by in frustration. Now maybe PENNDOT doesn't quite understand the urgency of this situation. Do they actually think for one second that at 2 o'clock in the afternoon there is nothing else I'd rather be doing besides sitting, with my car in park, in road construction traffic? I am not knocking road workers, for they are better people than me, I am just saying that they need to speed things up a little. Can't they have the dude that's holding the "STOP/SLOW sign" plant it in the ground for a couple minutes and actually help out the rest of his crew? I am sure me writing this won't make a lick of difference, and I know I am not the first to complain about this issue. For now I will continue to grin and bear it and save up every dime that I have to purchase a helicopter. And by the time that happens, there might actually be roadways in the sky that will of course be under construction!

until next time....

~Scotty B

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cinco De Mayo @ Pig Pen!

Put on your Mexican hot and get your pinatas ready because we are partying this Cinco De Mayo (May 5th for you non-Spanish speaking folk)!

Make Pig Pen sports bar your only stop on Cinco De Mayo! Come check out the new mechinical bull. We will be awarding cash prizes for sexiest bullrider. Also, we will have a mud wrestling pit! Pig Pen is also serving up some great drink specials: $5 for a Corona and a shot of Tequila. Best Cinco De Mayo special in the Valley!

I'll be there partying from 10-midnight giving out free Bone swag and enjoying the Tequila. See you out there this Cinco De Mayo with 107 THE BONE!

Hasta Manana!

Hasta Proximo Tiempo.....


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hump Night

It's about time the Lehigh Valley had its own late night talk show. I am talking about Hump Night with Kris Fried, which takes place every Wednesday night @ 9 at Pig Pen sports bar in Allentown. The show is filmed and aired on Service Electric's local channel. With its intimate feel, you as an audience member can either be a part of the show or just relax with a beer in hand at one of the many tables. Hump Night also brings in some of the area's best local bands, comedians and radio djs. Yes, that was a shameless plug. I will be tonight's guest and I want you stop out. It will be totally unrehearsed tonight, so I really have no clue what the hell is going to happen.

until next time...(see you tonight)


Monday, March 1, 2010


A website called The Metal Den has posted a copy online of the earliest Metallica demo tape. This version of "Hit The Lights" was recorded in March 1982 and was a "very rough" version of the song (as you can tell). "Hit The Lights" became the opening track on Metallica's 1983 Album Kill 'Em All.

The demo version features founding members Dave Mustaine on guitar, James Hetfield on vocals, Ron McGovney on bass and Lars Ulrich on drums.

Here is a link to the video because I am an amateur and do not know how to post videos on my blog:

Until next time (catch the Metallica Meltdown weeknights @ 9 on THE BONE!)....


Tuesday, February 2, 2010


(picture courtesy of The Express Times. Scotty Brilliant on left and Coach Rod on right)

So you hear me talking about it on air, but I just wanted to write a quick blog about my experience thus far training at LVIRK in Catasaqua. I train every Tuesday and Thursday (or at least I try to, depending on how hungover I am) with Team Hammer at LVIRK. There have been several gyms that I have been to since I began with my MMA training a couple years ago, but none have had an atmosphere comparable to LVIRK. Coach Rod Guignet provides a laid back approach to training but still leads one of the best workout routines I have ever been a part of. Sometimes at the end of a training session I can hardly pick myself up off the floor, and that is a good thing! Even if we don't spar (fight) at the end of practice, I am a still exhausted. If you are interested in becoming a member of Team Hammer or partaking in any of the other programs that LVIRK has to offer then check them out on the web @

until next time (maybe I'll see you at training one morning).....

~Scotty B.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


There was a recent study done by the Bittersweet Partnership, which is British organization started by the UK arm of Molson Coors to "discover different types of beer and its role in women's lives." In any case, they took a survey of 2,000 men and discovered that guys are more attracted to women who order a beer instead of a "girlier" drink. This discovery is truly astonishing (can you sense the sarcasm in my tone?). I mean come on now, it doesn't take a genius or a group of geniuses to come to this conclusion. Of course guys would be more attracted to a girl that orders a beer instead of a mixed drink and I am here to tell you the reasons why:

1) A beer is (usually) cheaper than a mixed drink. Unless your date is ordering some imported flavored beer from some foreign country, generally there are better specials on beer than any liquor. This way for you cheapo guys, you can have fun on a date without racking up a huge bar tab. It might also make the date last a little longer if your girl isn't getting bombed on Martinis within the first half hour.

2) It shows that she can hang with the guys. Nothing is better than picking up a 6 pack for yourself at the start of football Sunday. Now with your beer-loving lady in tow you can pick up a 12 pack (or case) and enjoy a nice relaxing (drunk) day of football with her.

3) Your friends will admire you for having a cool chick. Seriously, there is nothing worse than walking into a party with your girl only to discover that there is a shortage of hard alcohol and that your stubborn girlfriend won't drink anything else but vodka tonics. If your date can be happy by sticking her red plastic Solo cup under the dirty ass keg tap, then you know she's a keeper.

Now that I have just listed the reasons why guys dig chicks who drink beer, stop reading dumb surveys and go out and get yourself a cool chick that likes beer....I already did.

until next time.....
