There was a recent study done by the Bittersweet Partnership, which is British organization started by the UK arm of Molson Coors to "discover different types of beer and its role in women's lives." In any case, they took a survey of 2,000 men and discovered that guys are more attracted to women who order a beer instead of a "girlier" drink. This discovery is truly astonishing (can you sense the sarcasm in my tone?). I mean come on now, it doesn't take a genius or a group of geniuses to come to this conclusion. Of course guys would be more attracted to a girl that orders a beer instead of a mixed drink and I am here to tell you the reasons why:
1) A beer is (usually) cheaper than a mixed drink. Unless your date is ordering some imported flavored beer from some foreign country, generally there are better specials on beer than any liquor. This way for you cheapo guys, you can have fun on a date without racking up a huge bar tab. It might also make the date last a little longer if your girl isn't getting bombed on Martinis within the first half hour.
2) It shows that she can hang with the guys. Nothing is better than picking up a 6 pack for yourself at the start of football Sunday. Now with your beer-loving lady in tow you can pick up a 12 pack (or case) and enjoy a nice relaxing (drunk) day of football with her.
3) Your friends will admire you for having a cool chick. Seriously, there is nothing worse than walking into a party with your girl only to discover that there is a shortage of hard alcohol and that your stubborn girlfriend won't drink anything else but vodka tonics. If your date can be happy by sticking her red plastic Solo cup under the dirty ass keg tap, then you know she's a keeper.
Now that I have just listed the reasons why guys dig chicks who drink beer, stop reading dumb surveys and go out and get yourself a cool chick that likes beer....I already did.
until next time.....