Now I know I haven't blogged in a while, mainly because my brain has been on vacation, but this is a very important issue. After bitchin' and complaining about how Route 33 has sucked pretty much this entire summer, I decided it was time to take an alternate route to work. So far so good....until today. First off, I want to start out by saying that I was running late as usual, so I was already off to a bad start. Then with the rain factored in things got a little worse. To cap it all off was the fact that there was road construction on freaking Route 191!! I mean come on now, when does it end?? Haven't you tortured us commuters enough already?? Route 191 is essentially a mountain road with only one lane going either direction. As a result, you get the doofus who stands there holding the "STOP/SLOW sign," letting one lane creep by at a time. Almost to add insult to injury the "STOP/SLOW sign" holder glares at you as you pass by in frustration. Now maybe PENNDOT doesn't quite understand the urgency of this situation. Do they actually think for one second that at 2 o'clock in the afternoon there is nothing else I'd rather be doing besides sitting, with my car in park, in road construction traffic? I am not knocking road workers, for they are better people than me, I am just saying that they need to speed things up a little. Can't they have the dude that's holding the "STOP/SLOW sign" plant it in the ground for a couple minutes and actually help out the rest of his crew? I am sure me writing this won't make a lick of difference, and I know I am not the first to complain about this issue. For now I will continue to grin and bear it and save up every dime that I have to purchase a helicopter. And by the time that happens, there might actually be roadways in the sky that will of course be under construction!
until next time....
~Scotty B