Tuesday, December 20, 2011


With the holidays coming up and drinking to be had, I thought it was only appropriate that I share with you this "Timeline Of A Night Out" that I found courtesy of Daily Mail. Enjoy!

8pm: THE HAPPIEST YOU'LL BE ALL NIGHT: When that first drink reaches your stomach, the alcohol enters your bloodstream, where it makes a beeline straight for your brain's pleasure centers. After just one drink, alcohol boosts the levels of four key brain chemicals == dopamine, serotonin, naturally occurring opioids and gamma-aminobutyric acid. 'These combine to induce feelings of euphoria, relaxation and disinhibition,' explains Dr Bhaskar Punukollu, a specialist addiction psychiatrist at the Clinical Partners practice, and at Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust in London.

10pm: WHY ON EARTH DID YOU SAY THAT? After two hours of drinking, now is the time you hit the dance floor and start saying things you might regret the next morning. Blame this lack of inhibition on the way alcohol interferes with communication between the nerve cells in the cerebral cortex. This part of the brain is responsible for processing information, and also initiates the majority of muscle movements. Your natural self-protection mechanism is affected, as the alcohol masks warning signals from other parts of your body.

11pm: THE WORST TIME TO DRINK WHISKY: If you do hit the stronger stuff, stick with clear drinks, such as vodka. At this point, there is the temptation to feel all is well with the world, and to move from beer or wine to stronger spirits to try to maintain your mental state. But if you do hit the stronger stuff, stick with clear drinks, such as vodka, which have lower levels of harmful impurities from the fermentation process.

12am: YES, WOMEN DO GET TIPSY FASTER: For most of us, it's this time that the body's self-preservation signals start to override the over-stimulated brain centers, and you become aware of the intoxicating effects of the alcohol you've drunk and start to want to go to bed. But some people seem to have higher levels of the liver enzymes needed to break down alcohol, so they can go on drinking for longer -- and if you're a consistent, heavy drinker, your body develops higher levels of these enzymes.

2am: CHOW TIME: 'The pancreas pumps insulin into your system to break down alcohol in your blood, and the delayed reaction is a slump in blood sugar levels, leaving you ravenous, especially for high-calorie, fatty foods.'

4am: SO THAT'S WHY YOU SLEEP SO BADLY: When it reaches a certain level, alcohol makes you feel sedated because of a slump in the same brain chemicals that induced euphoria. You'll drop into a deep sleep very quickly, but your sleep will be so deep you won't achieve any of the restorative REM-stage of sleep, which we need to make us feel rested the next morning. It's also likely you'll wake in the middle of the night with a full bladder and a raging thirst -- alcohol is a diuretic, meaning you expel more fluid in your urine than you've taken in along with your alcohol.

7am: IT'S THIRST THAT TRIGGERS HEADACHES: Processing one unit of alcohol an hour could still leave you with a blood alcohol level high enough to put you over the legal drink-driving limit, even if you stopped drinking at midnight. Blame your headache on dehydration, together with the way your liver has converted the alcohol into a chemical called acetaldehyde and then acetate as it tries to purge the poison from your body.

11am: THE WORST YOU'LL FEEL ALL DAY: Ever found that your hangover gets worse throughout the day? Here's why: 'Your liver, kidneys and other organs will have been processing the alcohol out of your system since last night,' says Dr Prince. 'But because of the relentless attack, it's only when your blood alcohol levels are back around zero that the most acute hangover symptoms will be felt.' It's also around now you might be experiencing physical withdrawal symptoms from the alcohol overload.

1pm: RECOVERY BEGINS: You should be starting to feel better around now, but you'll still be suffering the effects of sleep deprivation and potentially an upset stomach.

How true is that?? Now lets drink!

Until next time...


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


So I was recently inspired to blog from a conversation I just had with Crash. She was telling me that she just ate at The Hard Rock Cafe over the weekend. She said that she was a little disturbed by the menu because they included the caloric content for each item. As you can see from the picture, this is something we really do not need to know. Come on now, a grilled salmon Caesar salad has 1,250 calories! WTF?! Now, I'm not one to count calories but this just made me a little depressed. Unless you're being forced to do it by law, do you as a restaurant really want to let your consumers know how many calories you're stuffing into your gullet? The same goes for all the fast food chains too. At 3 in the morning, after a night of heavy drinking, do I really need to kill my buzz by knowing that a quick trip through the drive-thru could cost me about 1,500 calories? I think not...actually, I know not. You already know that you shouldn't be eating fast food, so why rub in our faces how fat and unhealthy we actually are? I know these are a lot of questions that could formed into very legitimate statements...but for mindless-babbles-sake, I will leave them as questions.

So just think about it next time you sit down at your favorite burger joint, how many walks around the block you will have to take in order to burn a quarter of what you are about ingest. I can tell you that I won't even look twice at that stupid caloric content nonsense when ordering my triple bacon cheeseburger with fried onions and extra mayo. Bring on the heartburn baby!

Until next time....

~Scotty B.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


This should teach you to not be rich and stupid:

According to the Vancouver Sun, Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger has been ordered by a British Columbia Supreme Court judge to pay his former partner $25,000 in MONTHLY support. Kroeger's ex-partner of six and half years, former hairdresser Marianna Goriuk, had initially demanded $95,000 a month! Kroeger countered back with $10,000 per month. The singer's annual income is $9.7 million. Goriuk's demands included $5,100 in pet care??? This amount is supposedly for a horse that Kroeger bought her for her birthday. Associate Chief Justice Anne Mackenzie wrote in her decision:

"The parties lifestyle was extravagent. They ordered expensive food and wine, took private jets to Mexico and other places, hired helicopters at the last minute to fly into Vancouver for the evening and traveled in Limousines."

A full trial will begin on August 15th to determine whether Goriuk has any claim to those properties and other assets belonging to Kroeger.

I say, "It's TOO BAD Chad, you were just acting like a ROCKSTAR...THERE'S GOTTA BE SOMEBODY FOR YOU OUT THERE."


Until next time,


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


My second home, The Pig Pen sports bar, is hosting a disaster relief event for the distressed families and victims of the catastrophic gas explosion that took place in Allentown on February 10th. The explosion claimed the lives of five people, including a 4-month old boy. About a dozen people were injured and more than 350 were forced to evacuate from surrounding blocks.

The Pig Pen will open its doors at noon on Sunday, February 27th for the special 12 hour event. Supporters of the event will enjoy live entertainment all day long, free bowling and bull riding. The $5 donation at the door will go directly to the families affected by this tragedy. The Pig Pen will also be collecting books, clothing and other important items.

Check out http://www.pigpensportsbar.com/ for more info!

Until Next Time.....


Thursday, January 13, 2011


This should say: "Sayonara New Jersey"

For the first time in 5 years, Michigan isn't the top state for people to leave anymore. The annual United Van Lines ranking of state outbound migration found that NJ had the most outbound migration, with a ranking of 62.5 percent of moves heading out of the state. Michigan came in a very close second with 62. (Google Buzz)

I will defend Jersey to the end, though, shows like the Jersey Shore make us look terrible as a state. This outbound migration might actually be a good thing because it might help to free up some space again.

until next time...


Monday, January 10, 2011


Here is a link to the new animated Lipton Brisk commercial which features classic rocker, Ozzy Osbourne:


Do you think stuff like this is bad for Ozzy's image? What can he do to get his credibility back?